Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Defining Each Day

Send in my piece for the editorial page for the forthcoming parish newsletter...
To conduct the last adult confirmation preparation class this evening...
A niche to install in the columbarium in the afternoon...
Series of activities and work that define the day. Doing all those and whatever that may crop up along the way, it can be easily forgotten that I may only need to do the following:
a. act justly - trying to be fair to people who don't want to listen is an act of acquired taste.
b. love tenderly - try loving the dog that bites the hand of the master...
c. walk humbly with God - especially when we are going against the other equally 'important' god since time immemorial, 'No Time!'.
Can we get anymore complicated than this?...

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*s*haron said...
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