Aragorn. Clark Kent. Neo. Reluctant heroes that only want to live out normal lives. But history and destiny prevent them from living out their usual day-to-day activities. Many want desperately to be someone they are not. But THEY want desperately not be someone they are suppose to be. In the end their real persons came to the forefront and they fulfilled their dreams of bringing about the truth that evil will be eventually overcome in spite of the tremendous odds. THEY can do it because they belong to their universe that allows them the possibilities to fulfil those destinies.
Ours, in the real world has an altogether a different setting. We 'fulfil' ours in the realm of fantasy, sci-fi and movie magic, where the will of man to be masters of their lives and when possible, even of the universe, has always been food for imagination. There will always be this secret wish of wanting to be someone to change the world in a spectacular fashion and get to play hero along the way. Who would you like to be?...
Ours, in the real world has an altogether a different setting. We 'fulfil' ours in the realm of fantasy, sci-fi and movie magic, where the will of man to be masters of their lives and when possible, even of the universe, has always been food for imagination. There will always be this secret wish of wanting to be someone to change the world in a spectacular fashion and get to play hero along the way. Who would you like to be?...
Nightcrawler, without a shadow of doubt. He has a great sense of humour, teleports, is a Catholic and the last I heard, he's joint the priesthood! :D
keep them coming people. there seems to be a lot of closet superheroes out there!
So who would you like to be, Fral? Which LOTR char? Gollum? I like the way he goes "Oooh... my Preeeccciioouuusssssssss.........". :D
Legolas, for sure :)
Well, I'll love to be like Jesus Christ - for a start.
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